Game Engines
Epic's Unreal Engine [Software Win] (FREE+$) check if your game can be made in UEFN using new Verse language.Unity Engine [Software Win mac Linux] (FREE+$)
GODOT Engine (OSS) [Software Web Win mac Linux Android] (FREE)
The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses [Book] ($$$)The Art of Game Design: A Deck of Lenses [App iOS] (FREE)
The Art of Game Design: A Deck of Lenses [App Android] (FREE)
VFX realtime
VFX Apprentice [Video] (FREE+$) many free & high quality game fx tutorialsEmberGen realtime VFX [Software Win mac Linux] ($$$)
Game Developer [Web] (FREE)
Second Nature Ltd [Company] ($$$) Commission Game Development & Mentoring