

Processing Beginers Intro [Video] (FREE) very detailed intro to programming. Start here.
All the 3 below languages correctly implement Option<T> which prevent the $1 billion dollar language shortcut mistake.
Rust Book [Web] (FREE) Most loved since 2015. Rust is a Systems Language FS OS's and is less rapid development.

Epic Verse [Web] (FREE+$) limited now to UEFN but Verse soon standalone. 35 GBytes
Swift [Web] (FREE) not great support on Windows last I checked.

JavaScript or Typescript for the browser client side.


Code Complete 2 [Book] ($$$) no matter which language.
Pragmatic Programmer 2 Edition [Book] ($$$) language independent.

Second Nature Ltd [Company] ($$$) Commission Software/Apps Development & Mentoring


Visual Studio Code [Software Windows macOS Linux] (OSS) Free Code Editor
Cursor (OSS) [Software Windows macOS Linux] (FREE+$) (AI) Fork of VSCode
Codeium [Extension Windows macOS Linux] (FREE+$) (AI) AI Addon for code editor. Check playground.